Sunday, January 15, 2017

An Epiphany

My epiphany moment...
I follow Franklin Habit's blog, Fridays with Franklin on the Makers Merchantile. Recently he did a series called stealth blanket.
I knew I wanted to do it to do filed the idea in the back of my mind.
A couple of weeks ago I was at a friend's house and took this picture, my friend's mom is a quilter.

I filed that in the "ideas" file on the computer.
Then last week while working on a knitting masters swatch at the kitchen table it hit and I squealed, which I rarely do.
Use Franklin's square pattern to make the quilt on the coaster!
I made a note in my phone and added details of other choices still to be made, size, colors and for whom.
Most of that came in one shot while cooking yak stew with my son on Friday night. Our neighbor is getting married oh February and we need a gift. Tah dah! They are decorating the house in earth tones and a bit of blue.
The size I haven't settled on yet but thinking 72" x 72". That way they both can cover up on the couch together.
I went down to the stash to see what I had and came back up with this.

I know it's not enough to make a blanket of that size but I can at least get started and have a plan on place when I go to town.
The knitting masters I mentioned wille be another post.
Happy stitching everyone!

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