Happy Monday Everyone!
It feels so good to get back to some normal finally. This week is scheduled to be "normal". Keeping in mind that I need to be flexible. As Pastor Chuck Smith often said "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken." So true. I'm just happy to be standing on the threshold of a week that doesn't have 3 days full of stuff to do. I get to be at home, doing the work I love. Test knitting, designing and this week I start Christmas presents!
I'm also planning for my trip to Stitches Salt Lake. I'll talk about all of that and working cables without a cable needle. So grab something to drink and let's get started.
I will finally finish my Sparkling Leaves Sweater tonight. Since I was slow working it, I was able to test the sleeve shaping out so that Jill could see it before the pattern went live. It went live today. Here is the pattern.
I worked the 3X size. I used Nature Spun in sport weight from The Brown Sheep Company. The main color was Harvest Grape and the color of the leaves is called Mill Blue. It took me longer than I expected because of the heat we have been experiencing here in Colorado. Knitting with a wool sweater on my lap in 100 degree heat is not my idea of fun. We don't have AC or even a swamp cooler, just drink lots, wear light clothing and stay in the basement. I will share a picture of wearing it next week.
I am also testing knitting the Bonfire shawl for Wendelika and the Journey to the Cape sweater for Annie Lupton. There are not pictures of them as I haven't made much progress due to working almost only on the Sparkling Leaves sweater.
The latest design and starting Christmas presets this week goes hand in hand. My son last year asked for finger-less gloves for hunting. By the time the yarn arrived and I played around a bit with ribbing and some color work, his hands had out grown what I started. I then got sick and was hardly knitting. I talked to him about the design again, traced his hand and took measurements. His hands have grown enough that I am going to use a similar design to that of the ones I made for my best friend. The difference for my son's is that the palm side will be worked in rib. I am hoping this will bring a snugger fit that will grow with him.
I am working on a lace gauntlet design and am about half way though the first one, again. The first go around was way too big. The notes I had, in the computer, not written, so no mistake there, said to use a US size 4 needle. That was way too big. After some swatching, I have gone down to a US size 0, big difference I know, but I am loving the fabric.

Tomorrow I will finish preparing the wool yarn to dye for my next big design, Tears to Roses. This design has been in process for over a year. I have done swatching and tiny dye jobs to choose colors. I have finally chosen colors, fade direction and edging. I will also be swatching this week to choose stockinette back ground or reverse stockinette.
For the trip to Stitches Salt Lake, I am very excited and a bit apprehensive. I have never flown on a plane and I have never traveled alone. I will be doing both for this trip. Well Dolores is going with me, but...
I will be taking two classes from Franklin Habit; Tessellations and Steeking. I am excited about both and think that both of these are excellent next steps in my designing and fiber arts career.
Cabling without a cable needle. I am only going to cover a one over one cable stitch. This is the easiest to do without a cable needle. A two over two can be worked the same way but is more fiddly. I personally use a cable needle for anything larger, as I have yet to find a method that works for me without losing the stitches. If you have suggestions, please leave a comment.
I am currently working these cables in the Journey to the Cape Sweater and the Owlie socks I started in July. Remember I am a true left handed knitter and you may need to reverse these directions for it to work for you.
To work a one over one cable that leans to the left I work as follows. Insert the needle into the second stitch as if to knit, in front of the first stitch.
Knit leaving that stitch on the needle.
Knit the first stitch normally.
Drop both stitches from the needle.
To work a one over one cable that leans to the right I work as follows. Insert the needle into the second stitch as if to knit, behind the first stitch.
Knit this stitch, leaving it on the needle.
Knit the first stitch normally.
Drop both stitches from the needle.
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